Roartis IQ-BOND 2473-LV

IQ-BOND 2473-LV is a fast-cure, solvent-free, one-component, pre-mixed, thermoset epoxy based adhesive, developed for underfill applications, especially for CSP and/or BGA applications.
IQ-BOND 2473-LV is a black, lower viscosity version of IQ-BOND 2473. It is an underfill without filler loading, to assure it can flow in very fine bondlines. Eventhough the viscosity of IQ-BOND 2473-LV is very low, even at room temperature, it can be considered to heat the substrate to about 80°C during the dispensing process, to further improve and accelerate the underfilling-flow process
The chemistry of IQ-BOND 2473-LV has been selected to resist temperatures over 150°C for continuous operation.
IQ-BOND 2473-LV can also be used for bonding applications where thin bondlines are required, and will provide good adhesion to materials such as glass, ferrite, aluminum, FR4, ceramic and steel.
Although IQ-BOND 2473-LV is a pre-mixed, one-component epoxy system, the chemistry is stable at moderate storage temperatures (fridge < 5°C). The potlife of IQ-BOND 2473-LV is more than 5 days at room temperature. To improve the storage stability of IQ-BOND 2473-LV, and specifically to avoid possible risk of filler sedimentation during storage, it can be considered to store IQ-BOND 2473-LV at temperatures < -20°C.
When fully cured, IQ-BOND 2473-LV is resistant to moisture, cleaning agents and dilute acids and bases. IQ-BOND 2473-LV is a solvent-free, 100% solids material.
For cleaning un-cured IQ-BOND 2473-LV from stencils, screens, squeegee, or other equipment, the use of IQ-CLEANER 9500 is recommended.
Product properties:
  • Appearance: Black
  • Chemistry: Epoxy
  • Odor: Faint
  • Mix-Ratio: Not Applicable – pre-mixed single component adhesive
  • Hegmann Fineness: < 20 μm
  • Viscosity at 25°C: ~ 375 mPa.s (Brookfield RVII, CP51 at 50 rpm)
  • Tg: ~ 105°C
  • CTE1: ~ 60 ppm
  • Shore hardness: ~ 90 shore D
  • Service temperature: -55°C to 150°C
  • Die shear strength: > 200 kg/cm²
  • Density: ~ 1,05 gr/cm³
  • Cure Speed:
    • 3 minutes @ 150°C
    • 20 minutes @ 120°C
    • 60 minutes @ 100°C
For good mechanical strength, cure according above conditions is recommended. The final bond strength will depend on the residence time at the given cure temperature. Typically, a higher curing temperature, as well as a longer cure time will result in higher adhesion strength, and improved polymer crosslinking. In any case, it’s recommended to consider a post-cure of about 1 hour at temperature similar or above the maximum operation temperature to have optimum properties, and elevated Tg.