CAB PCB magazines


Automation Requires Precision

Precision, stability and flexible handling are important features for the use of the PCB Magazines in automated assembly lines. The stable and robust frame construction guarantees a long lasting use of the cab magazine in your production. The rack walls are manufactured from conductive material.

Metal magazine

For high mechanical or temperature use we offer the magazine withmetal rack walls.

Series 600 - Width adjustment by screw clamp

The series 600 is cost effective alternative with a simple width adjustment. By backing off the four screw clamps the moveable rack wall can be pushed to the necessary PCB width.

Series 700 - Width adjustment by gear belt

Handling different PCB sizes the magazines have to be adjusted to the PCB
width quite often. The PCB Magazines of the series 700 are adjusted to the
necessary PCB width within seconds.

Series 800 - Full automatic width adjustment

Increase process safety and optimize your production process by the automatic width adjustment of the cab magazines in unloaders.


The magazines can be stacked and secured space saving by four support
guides on the top of the plate.


Through to the vertical symmetry all magazines can be placed upside
down to work on double sided PCBs. The stacking locator knobs must be

Transport safety

To secure the PCBs while transporting the magazine, a safety bar is mounted
on the front and back side of the rack wall.