SPEA Automatic Board Handling Equipment

Automatic Board Handling
Minimum footprint, maximum efficiency

The SPEA Automatic Board Handling Equipment has been conceived with a compact-size and modular architecture to provide a cost-effective and space-saving product.

The modular architecture allows you to choose each handling equipment for custom-tailored configurations. It is possible to add, swap and move each handling equipment within the same test cell or other ones; or to change the loading mode (pass-back, pass-through, mixed), to satisfy at any time the requirements of current and future production.

All of this comes in small-sized equipment that takes up just 1/3 of the floor space typically needed by traditional board handling equipment. The smallest handling equipment has a footprint of just 0.70m2, and a typical pass-through configuration takes up as little as 1.31m2 – compared to 3.38m2 with traditional automation.

Magazine positioning can be performed manually or automatically in different ways, for example using AGV, Robot, Conveyor or Local Magazine Buffer. The magazine positioning height is programmable to ease operator loading operations, or to correctly set up Robot or AGV rack loading.

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